Tannenhof Berlin-Brandenburg is a modern provider of social services and employs more than 200 individuals. Our network currently consists of more than 470 places for therapy, counselling, vocational training and schooling. These are complemented by approximately 4,100 therapy sessions in Berlin, and around 4,900 in Brandenburg, every year.
Tannenhof Berlin-Brandenburg
About Us
Tannenhof Berlin-Brandenburg is a voluntary association and was founded in 1979. Its motto, 'ways out of addiction for children and young people', emphasizes the fields in which it has worked since the 1980s in Berlin, and through its network in Brandenburg since 1991.
Our specialised drug therapy sites have been overseen by doctors since their foundation and are accredited as medical rehabilitation clinics by the German statutory pension insurance provider - Deutsche Rentenversicherung. Tannenhof's services have now been widened to include the care of children whose parents suffer from addiction, the Tannenhof school where children are able to repeat their school diplomas, outpatient groups for children with special needs, vocational training, counselling, and projects which promote addiction prevention.

In January 2015, the charitable limited asociation Tannenhof Berlin-Brandenburg gGmbH (Ltd.) has been founded and all rehabilitation entities has been transferred there as well as the childrens house, councelling centers and professional formation. However, the charitable asociation Tannenhof Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. persists being responsable for the scool and the daily and living groups for children and is also asociate of the charitabel asociation.
A high level of internal and external cooperation provides a basis for our institutional operations.
Importantly it also creates an optimal environment for the provision of the networked care of individuals suffering from addiction, and children and young people in need.
Positivity is also an essential aspect of our therapy and advice clinics: combined with the understanding on the part of the individual searching for help, positivity provides a common basis for health promotion, as well as permanence and stability in social relations – all of which are essential if we are to ensure an individual's successful social reintegration.
Quality Control
Quality control is managed in a separate department responsible for overseeing our service provision and its costs. Quality management ensures accountability and transparency in all areas and clearly defines each service provider's area of responsibility. After gaining the first certification to DQS in 2006, we have been succesfully certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 every year.
Our doors are open – everyone is invited to visit our centres and to get to know the services we offer - we are always very happy to exchange experiences.