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Our Centres


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Der Tannenhof

40 beds for inpatient drug therapy. Includes a children's wing with 16 beds for the children of parents suffering from addiction. Located in Lichtenrade.

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Inpatient department with 56 beds, plus outpatient clinic with space for 10 more people. Drug therapy. Located in Wilmersdorf.

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Adaptionshaus Berlin

Inpatient department with 38 beds for adaptation therapy. Located in Buckow.

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Outpatient clinic with space for 30 people and 20 places for psychosomatic rehabilitation. Located in Wilmersdorf.

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Zentrum für Gesundheit und Rehabilitation

Outpatient drug therapy and assisted living with 52 spaces in 12 groups.

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Five outpatient clinics for children

For children with special needs. Located in Lichtenrade and Marienfelde with 39 spaces and 10 places for schooling in small classes.

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Tannenhof school for repeating school diplomas

90 places in Neukölln. Has a department and offers schooling in the psychiatric hospital used for drug therapy among criminal offenders. Located in Buch.

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Vocational training

21 spaces for vocational training in landscape gardening, metalworking and management. 4 places for vocational training in Brandenburg as a cook.

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Central management and administration buildings

Located in Wilmersdorf. Vocational training centre and vocational training in management.


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Haus Schönbirken

32 beds for alcohol rehabilitation treatment. 4 vocational training places as a cook. Located in Lindow bei Neuruppin.

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Adaptionshaus Neuruppin

22 beds for adaptations therapy in Neuruppin.

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Addiction counselling Neuruppin

ogether with Ostprignitz Ruppin local council. Outpatient drug therapy, assisted living, and psychological and social advice. Regional centres in Rheinsberg, Kyritz and Wittstock.

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Addiction counselling Wildau

Together with Dahme Spreewald local council. Outpatient drug therapy and assisted living. Regional centres in Lübben and Luckau.

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Addiction counselling Cottbus

Together with the town of Cottbus. Outpatient drug therapy and psychological and social advice.

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Addiction counselling Forst

Together with Spree Neiße local council. Outpatient drug therapy, and psychological and social advice.

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Southern Brandenburg centre for the prevention of addiction

Based in Lübben.